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GX7300 Series

20 Slot, 3U PXI Chassis

  • 20 slots โ€“ supporting a 3U (embedded or remote) PXI controller and 19 3U PXI or cCPI instruments
  • Built-in peripherals (hard disk drive, and a DVD-RW drive) for embedded controller configurations
  • Integral Smart functions provide per slot temperature monitoring, system power supply monitoring, and PXI trigger mapping
  • 755 W and 1600 W system power supply configurations
  • Cable tray, recessed instrumentation, cable routing, and hinged front interface assembly configurations are available for mass interconnect interfaces
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GX7300 Series Specifications

Chassis GX7300,  GX7310,
GX7302,  GX7312
Input AC Power 90 to 264 VAC, 12 A  max (PFC)
47 to 63 Hz
Total Available DC Power 850 watts
DC current
+5 V
+3.3 V
+12 V
-12 V
Note: Total power cannot exceed 755 W
60 A (max)
40 A (max)
35 A (max)
5 A (max)
Chassis GX7305,
Input AC Power 120 VAC, ยฑ15%; 20 A max (PFC)
240 VAC, ยฑ10%; 10 A max (PFC)
47 Hz to 440 Hz
Total Available DC Power 1600 watts
Available DC Current
+5 V
+3.3 V
+12 V
-12 V
100 A (max)
180 A (max)
10 A (max)
5 A (max)
33 lbs
30 lbs
35 lbs
32 lbs
40 lbs
37 lbs
GX7300, GX7310
4U (7โ€ณ) H x 17.6โ€ณ W x 16โ€ณ D
GX7302, GX7312, GX7305, GX7315
6U (10.5โ€ณ) H x 17.6โ€ณ W x 23โ€ณ D
Cooling (GX7300, GX7310, GX7302, GX7312) Four 65 CFM fan for system cooling. Separate fan for system power supply. Integrated temperature monitoring via an onboard microcontroller with audible and software notification when preset temperature limits are exceeded. Fan control and monitoring via the GxChassis software
Cooling (GX7305, GX7315) Four 100 CFM fans. Separate fans for system power supplies. Integrated temperature monitoring via an onboard microcontroller with audible and software notification when preset temperature limits are exceeded. Fan control and monitoring via the GxChassis software
Temperature Monitoring Per slot monitoring, 1 reading/sec/slot
4 second moving average value
User selectable alarm criteria:

  • Maximum slot temperature
  • Average slot temperature

Accuracy: ยฑ2 ยฐC
Default warning and shutdown limits: +50 ยฐC and +70 ยฐC
Warning and shutdown limits programmable via software driver
Status: Query via software driver and audible alarm for a warning limit condition

Power Supply Monitoring Monitored voltages: 3.3, 5, +12, -12, VIO value
Accuracy: ยฑ2% of reading
PXI Triggers Slots: 2 โ€“ 20
Number: 8 per segment
Software controlled segment mapping supports:

  • Isolate a trigger line within a segment
  • Map a trigger line left to right
  • Map a trigger line right to left
Clock Integrated 10 MHz PXI clock with an auto-detect function. Presence of an external 10 MHz PXI clock will disable the internal clock.
Slots 20 PXI or cPCI Slots (19 instruments max)
Receiver Interface
Virginia Panel iCON 960
(Includes connector interface PCB assembly)
GX7300, GX7302, GX7305 Peripherals DVD-RW and 160 GB (min) hard drive, 7200 rpm


Operating Temperature 0 ยฐC to +50 ยฐC
Storage Temperature -20 ยฐC to +60 ยฐC
GX7300C / GX7310
Acoustic Noise
(at operator level, 12 inches from front of unit)
Auto fan setting (@ 23ยฐC ambient): 54.3 dBA
High fan setting: 61 dBA
GX7305 / GX7315
Acoustic Noise
(at operator level, 12 inches from front of unit)
Auto fan setting (@ 23ยฐC ambient): 57.1 dBA
High fan setting: 72.8 dBA
CE Compliance EN61010-1

Note: Specifications are subject to change without notice.

The GX7300 Series mainframes are 20-slot PXI chassis that can accommodate up to 19 instruments as well as a PXI controller (an embedded CPU or a PXI bus expander interface such as a MX interface). The 3U form-factor provides a compact test system foot print and provides users with the flexibility to employ both PXI and Compact PCI 3U modules.


A total of 755W of system power is available for the GX7300, GX7310, GX7302 and GX7312 models. The GX7305 and GX7315 feature a high capacity, 1600 watt system power configuration and is capable of supplying 60 watts of power to each PXI peripheral slot โ€“ making it the ideal PXI chassis for high peformance and high channel count digital I/O applications and performance mixed-signal applications.

Forced-air cooling for the GX7300, GX7310, GX7302 and GX7312 chassis is provided by (4) 65 CFM fans located at the bottom of the card cage assembly with a dedicated fan supplying cooling for the system power supply. This cooling configuration, in conjunction with air plenum within the chassis, provides airflow for all module slots per the PXI specification. The GX7305 and GX7315 employ four 100 CFM fans located at the bottom of the card cage assembly with dedicated fans for the system power supplies.

The GX7300 Smart Chassis supports the monitoring of slot temperatures and system power supply voltages as well providing the ability to program or map each PXI trigger line from one PCI segment to another. In addition, the user can program the temperature monitoring function for specific warning and shutdown limits as well as monitor and control the chassisโ€™ fan speed. All user specific setups can be stored in non-volatile memory as a user configuration and can be used as the default setup for normal chassis operation.

The GX7302 and GX7312 offer the ideal solution for supporting mass interconnect interfaces from several manufacturers including Virginia Panel, Mac-Panel, ITT Cannon, and others. These chassis include an integrated 2U cable tray, a hinged interface assembly that accommodates all popular mass interconnect devices, optional openings at the top & bottom of chassis for cable routing, and recessed PXI instruments (recessed by 2.5โ€ณ or 4.5โ€ณ) providing up to 7โ€ณ of space for interface wiring. In addition, the GX7302 and GX7312 can be ordered with the Mac-Panel Scout receiver, providing a wireless mass termination interface.


Slot 1 is dedicated to the system controller (embedded or remote, using a PXI bus expander). A PXI Star Trigger Controller or any PXI or cPCI instrument can be used in slot 2. Slots 3 โ€“ 15 support the PXI Star Trigger and any PXI or cPCI instrument. Slots 16 โ€“ 20 accommodate PXI or cPCI instruments without the Star Trigger.

Programming and Software

The chassis is supplied with the GxChassis software which provides software libraries and a driver, programming examples, virtual panel application and documentation. The virtual panel provides a way to control, configure and display the smart chassisโ€™ features, including temperature monitoring, trigger line mapping, and power supply voltage monitoring. A 32/64-bit Windows DLL driver is provided with various interface files for accessing the DLL functions from programming tools and languages such as ATEasy, LabVIEW, C/C++, Microsoft Visual Basicยฎ, Delphi, and more. A Userโ€™s Guide provides documentation that includes instructions for installing, using and programming the chassis. A separate software package โ€“ GtLinux โ€“ provides support for Linux 32/64 operating systems.


  • Automatic Test Equipment (ATE)
  • Data Acquisition
  • Process Control
  • Production Test
  • Scientific Applications
  • Industrial Systems


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GX7300 Series

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