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GX3232 Series

16-Bit Multi-Function with A/D, D/A and Digital I/O Channels cPCI Cards

  • 32 single-ended or 16 differential, 16-bit, scanned analog inputs
  • 300 kS per second aggregate analog input sampling rate
  • 4 analog outputs, 300 kS per second analog output clocking rate per channel
  • 16-bit, bi-directional digital port with two auxiliary I/O lines
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GX3232 Series Specifications

Analog Inputs
Input Channels 32 single-ended or 16 differential (software configurable)
16 single-ended or 8 differential (60 V input option), the remaining 16 inputs are available for low voltage measurement
Input Voltage Ranges ยฑ10 V, ยฑ5 V, ยฑ2.5 V FS
ยฑ60 V, ยฑ30 V, ยฑ15 V FS (60 V input option)
Input Impedence 2 Mฮฉ, differential
1 Mฮฉ to ground, single-ended
180 Kฮฉ ยฑ 20 Kฮฉ to ground, single-ended for 60 V input option
Bias Current 80 nA (max)
Common Mode Rejection 60 dB typical, DC โ€“ 60 Hz, differential input mode.
30 dB for 60 V input option
Common Mode Range ยฑ10 V, differential input configuration
ยฑ60 V, 60 V input option
Overvoltage Protection ยฑ30 V with power applied, ยฑ15 V with power removed
ยฑ70 V (60 V input option)
Full Scale DC Accuracy ยฑ4.2 mV, 10 V range
ยฑ2.8 mV, 5 V range
ยฑ2.0 mV, 2.5 V range
ยฑ6% of range, 60 V, 30 V & 15 V ranges
Crosstalk Rejection 80 dB, DC โ€“ 10 kHz
Integral Nonlinearity ยฑ0.003% of FSR (max)
Differential Nonlinearity ยฑ0.0015% of FSR (max)
A to D Converter
Resolution 16 bits
Maximum Conversion Rate 300 kS/s
Channels per Scan 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 per scan
Maximum Scan Rate 75 kS/s in multiple channel mode
150 kS/s in 2 channel mode
300 kS/s in single-channel mode
Minimum Scan Rate 400 scans per second (single-rate generator)
0.0075 scans per second (two-rate generators)
Scanning Modes Single scan, Continuous scan, Selftest, Multiple channel, Single channel, Two channel
Clock Source 24 MHz oscillator, two 16 dividers (independent or cascadable)
Memory 32 K sample FIFO
Analog Output Channels
Configuration Four single-ended
Output Range ยฑ10 V, ยฑ5 V, ยฑ2.5 V FS (software configurable)
Output Impedence 1 ฮฉ (max)
Output Current ยฑ3 mA (max)
Full Scale DC Accuracy ยฑ3.0 mV, 10 V range
ยฑ2.2 mV, 5 V range
ยฑ1.7 mV, 2.5 V range
(no load)
Settling Time 8 ยตs to on LSB, typical with 50% full scale step
Integral Nonlinearity ยฑ0.004% of FSR (max)
Differential Nonlinearity ยฑ0.0015% pf FSR (max)
D to A Converter
Resolution 16 bits
Sampling Rate 400 S/s to 300 kS/s using internal-rate generator DC to 300 kS/s with hardware or software sync
Clock Source Internal (programmable), software, external sync
Internal Clock 3 to 1 MHz sample rate, 24 bit divider from master clock frequency
Clocking Modes Continuous, triggered burst
Memory 32 K sample FIFO
Digital Input/Output
Configuration 16 TTL I/O lines organized as two bytes, configurable as inputs or outputs
Output Drive 8 mA, source or sink
Control Register read/write
Mating I/O Connector 68 pin, dual-ribbon socket Robinson Nugent P50E-068-S-TG or equivalent
Current Consumption +5 V @ 1.4 A (max)
Size 3U, single slot
Temperature Operating 0 ยฐC to +70 ยฐC
Storage -40 ยฐC to +85 ยฐC
Humidity (Non-Condensing) 0% to 95% (operating)

Note: Specifications are subject to change without notice.

The GX3232 is a multi-channel 16-bit, analog input and output cPCI module, supporting 32 single-ended or 16 differential input channels and four analog output channels. The inputs can be software configured for differential or single-end operation and are sequentially scanned with a maximum aggregate scan rate of 300 kS/s. Three input ranges are software-selectable: ยฑ10 V, ยฑ5 V or ยฑ2.5 V. Optionally, the GX3232 is available with a high voltage input configuration and supports three ranges: ยฑ60 V, ยฑ30 V and ยฑ15 V. The high voltage configuration supports 16 single-ended or 8 differential input channels for high voltage and 16 single-ended or 8 differential inputs for low voltage measurement. Four analog output channels provide software-selectable output ranges of ยฑ2.5 V, ยฑ5 V or ยฑ10 V. The outputs can be updated either synchronously or asynchronously and support waveform generation. Each output can be clocked at rates up to 300 kS/s. A 16-bit digital I/O port is also provided, which supports 16 bidirectional data lines. Note that when used with a TS-700 system only 8 of these digital I/O lines are available at the test systemโ€™s receiver interface.


The GX3232โ€™s input channels are sampled sequentially at a maximum aggregate rate of 300 KS/s. Sampled data is accessed via the PCI bus and a 32 K-sample FIFO buffer. Scanned channels can be set for 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 channels per scan with the sample clock being generated by one of two internal rate generators which employ 16-bit programmable dividers. The four output channels can be clocked at rates up to 300 KS/s and like the input channels, offer programmable ranges. Each output channel includes a dedicated 16-bit D/A converter with output data being clocked from a 32 K sample FIFO buffer, which interfaces to the PCI bus. Output clocking is generated by one of two internal rate generators which employ 16-bit programmable dividers. Sync input and sync output lines are also provided for synchronizing the input and output signals to an external event. These signals are not accessible at the TS-700โ€™s receiver interface.

The module supports an auto-calibration routine which applies any required offset and gain correction values for all input and output channels. Additionally, a self-test input switching network routes output channels or calibration reference signals to the analog inputs โ€“ verifying module integrity and functionality.


The GX3232 is supplied with a Windowsยฎ 32/64-bit DLL driver library. In addition, interface files and examples are provided to support access to programming tools and languages such as ATEasyยฎ, LabVIEWTM, and C/C++.


  • Automotive testing
  • High-performance baseband testing
  • Medical device and module test
  • ATE systems


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GX3232 Series

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