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Wideband Amplifier PXI Card

  • DC to 20 MHz bandwidth
  • 40 Vp-p maximum output voltage (±20 V) into open circuit
  • 20 Vp-p maximum output voltage into 50 Ohm load
  • Isolated input & output
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GX1222 Specifications

Input Characteristics
Connector BNC
Impedance 50 Ω, DC coupled
Amplitude 0 to 2 VPP (max), (±2 V)
Frequency Range DC to 20 MHz
Output Characteristics
Connector BNC
Impedance 50 Ω, DC coupled
Protection Short-circuit, 10 seconds
Gain x10, fixed (custom gains available, contact factory)
Amplitude 0 to 20 VPP into 50 ohm; 0 to 40 VPP (±20 V) into high impedance
Square Wave Characteristics
Transition Time < 20 ns
Aberrations < 7 %
Sine Wave Characteristics
3 db Bandwidth 50 MHz, at 2 VPP (small signal)
20 MHz at 20 VPP (large signal)
Gain Accuracy ±(2% of full-scale amplitude range + 25 mV),
1 kHz
Flatness (10 VPP) 5% of amplitude to 1 MHz;
10% of amplitude to 20 MHz
THD 0.1%, 10 Hz to 100 kHz
(10 VPP)
< -60 dBc, 10 HZ to 100 kHz,
< -50 dBc, 100 kHz to 5 MHz,
< -40 dBc, 5 MHz to 20 MHz
Physical Size Single-slot, 3U high PXI module
Power Requirements 7.2 W (max)
Current Consumption +5 V, 3.5 A (max)
Signal Ground Floated to the same level as the source,
250 VDC + Peak AC (max)
EMC Certification CE marked
Reliability MTBF per MIL-HDBK-217E, 25 °C, Ground Benign
Safety Designed to meet IEC 1010-1, UL 3111-1, CSA 22.2 #1010


Operating Temperature 0 °C to +55 °C
Humidity (Non-Condensing) RH 80%

Note: Specifications are subject to change without notice.

The GX1222 is a 3U single-slot, PXI-based wideband power amplifier used for signal amplification purposes. Offering excellent fidelity, the GX1222 amplifies signals from DC to over 20 MHz with a fixed gain of x10. Custom gains are also available without compromising signal purity and amplifier performance.


On-board DC-DC converters and custom components allow the GX1222 to amplify signals to levels far above standard PXI voltage rails. The GX1222 can amplify input signals to an output of 40 VPP into a high impedance load, or 20 VPP into a 50 ohm load.

The GX1222 can be configured with floating input and output connections allowing the amplifier to float up to 250 VDC above ground. The only limiting factor is that both the input and output grounds must connect to the same potential. This capability is very beneficial in applications where the amplifying device should reside at the same ground potential as its source. The floating capability can be added or removed using a simple, user-accessible jumper connection.

The GX1222 requires only power from the PXIbus. No software driver is required to control the module.


The GX1222 is available in numerous configurations according to the application’s requirements. The following factory-set options are available (numbers in parentheses represent the standard configuration):

  • Gain: 1 through 10 (10)
  • Input Impedance: 50 Ω or 1 MΩ (50 Ω)
  • Output Impedance: 50 Ω, 75 Ω, or 600 Ω (50 Ω)
  • Output Polarity: Normal or Inverted (Inverted)
  • Signal Ground: Tied to Ground or Floating (Tied to Ground)

The Signal Ground option is user-selectable via jumpers; all other options must be specified at the time the GX1222 is ordered.


  • Automotive testing
  • Avionics testing
  • Automatic Test Equipment (ATE)


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