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NTP Servers At Risk: The Simple Hack of GNSS Spoofing

Accurate time synchronization is crucial in today’s digital world, with many systems and applications relying on Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers to keep time in sync.

However, NTP servers are vulnerable to GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) spoofing attacks, which can trick the NTP server into providing inaccurate time.

For more information on how GNSS Spoofing can impact your organization and what solutions are there in the market, feel free to leave your info in the contact us page.  


Which Companies Are at Risk of GNSS Spoofing

The following industries are best suited for this solution due to their heavy reliance on accurate time synchronization and their technical capabilities:

  • Finance
  • Telecommunications
  • Power distribution
  • Transportation
  • Military and defense

The solution to GNSS spoofing is not for everyone since it requires technical expertise and resources to implement and maintain.

Before implementing the solution, it’s essential to assess the company’s technical capabilities and resources to ensure successful deployment and operation.

Companies without the necessary technical know-how may require the assistance of our technical support team.

GNSS Spoofing: Understanding the Threat

GNSS spoofing is a type of cyberattack in which an attacker transmits false GNSS signals to trick a GNSS receiver into thinking that it’s receiving legitimate signals from satellites.

This allows the attacker to control the time information that is provided to the GNSS receiver, including NTP servers.

There are devices today that can help create this effect very easily.

By tricking the NTP server into providing incorrect time information, an attacker can cause systems and applications that rely on accurate time synchronization to fail.

One of the reasons why GNSS spoofing is such a significant threat is that GNSS signals are relatively weak and can be easily jammed or blocked.

Additionally, GNSS signals are not encrypted, which means that they can be easily intercepted and modified by an attacker.

As a result, GNSS spoofing is a relatively simple and low-cost attack that can have significant consequences.

The Dangers of GNSS Spoofing on NTP Servers

Most NTP server suppliers and manufacturers only provide an alert-based defense against GNSS spoofing.

This means that they can detect when an attack is taking place, but they cannot prevent the attack from affecting the NTP server.

This leaves the NTP server vulnerable to providing incorrect time information, which can have significant consequences for systems and applications that rely on accurate time synchronization.

The Solution to GNSS Spoofing

Meinberg, a leading provider of time synchronization solutions, has developed a solution to the problem of GNSS spoofing.

Its NTP server products not only have an alert-based defense against GNSS spoofing but also keep the time up-to-date even while the NTP server is being attacked.

This ensures that systems and applications that rely on accurate time synchronization continue functioning correctly, even in the face of GNSS spoofing attacks.

In addition to the solutions provided by Meinberg, organizations can also take steps to protect their NTP servers from GNSS spoofing attacks.

Some strategies that organizations can consider include:

  • Regularly monitoring and updating NTP server software: Ensuring that NTP server software is up-to-date and free of vulnerabilities can help prevent GNSS spoofing attacks from succeeding.
  • Using multiple NTP servers: Using multiple NTP servers from different sources can help to reduce the risk of a single point of failure and ensure that time information remains accurate even if one NTP server is compromised.
  • Implementing authentication for NTP: By requiring authentication for NTP requests, organizations can ensure that only trusted sources are able to update the time on their NTP servers.
  • Regularly testing NTP servers: Regularly testing NTP servers to ensure that they are functioning correctly and providing accurate time information can help to catch any issues before they become problematic.

Organizations that are looking to protect their NTP servers from GNSS spoofing attacks should consider these strategies in addition to using Meinberg’s NTP server products to ensure the accuracy of their time synchronization.


GNSS spoofing poses a significant threat to NTP servers and the systems and applications that rely on them.

While most NTP server suppliers and manufacturers only provide an alert-based defense, the need for a solution that keeps the time up-to-date even during an attack was a much-needed solution.

By choosing our NTP server products, organizations can ensure the accuracy of their time synchronization and protect their systems and applications from the dangers of GNSS spoofing.

To get additional information about our NTP servers – leave your info below.


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