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GX1200 Series

Arbitrary Function Generator PXI Card

  • 50 MS/s (GX1200) and 100 MS/s (GX1201) sample rates
  • Programmable 10 digit sample clock with resolution of 1 uHz
  • 14-bit vertical resolution
  • 2 M samples memory depth
  • FM modes: FSK, ramped FSK, sweep, FM, and arbitrary FM
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GX1200 Series Specifications

Standard Waveforms
Sine, triangle, square, pulse, ramp, sinc (sine(x)/x), Guassian pulse, exponential fall, rising pulse, noise, DC
Frequency Range Waveform dependent
Source Internal synthesizer
Frequency Range 100 ยตHz to 25 MHz (GX1200)
100 ยตHz to 50 MHz (GX1201)
Band Flatness 5% to 10 MHz; 20% to 50 MHz (GX1200)
5% to 10 MHz; 20% to 25 MHz (GX1201)
Programmable Parameters Start phase, 0 ยฐC to +360 ยฐC
Harmonics and Non-Related Spurious at 5 VPP< -55 dBc for carrier frequencies 1 MHz
< -45 dBc for carrier frequencies 5 MHz
< -35 dBc for carrier frequencies 10 MHz
< -28 dBc for carrier frequencies 25 MHz (GX1200)
< -22 dBc for carrier frequencies 50 MHz (GX1201)
THD 0.05% to 100 kHz
Frequency Range 100 ยตHz to 12.5 MHz
Start Phase 0 ยฐC to +360 ยฐC
Frequency Range 100 ยตHz to 25 MHz (GX1200)
100 ยตHz to 50 MHz (GX1201)
Duty Cycle 1% to 99%
Rise / Fall Time < 10 ns
Aberration < 5% ยฑ 10 mV
Frequency Range 100 ยตHz to 6.25 MHz
Adjustable Parameters Delay, Rise Time, High Time, and Fall Time: 0% to 99% of period
Rise / Fall Time < 10 ns
Aberration < 5% ยฑ 10 mV
Frequency Range 100 ยตHz to 12.5 MHz
Adjustable Parameters Delay, Rise Time, and Fall Time: 0% to 99% of period
Frequency Range 100 ยตHz to 3.125 MHz
โ€œ0โ€ Crossing 4 to 100 cycles
Gaussian Pulse
Frequency Range 100 ยตHz to 3.125 MHz
Time Constant 10 to 200
Exponential Rise / Fall
Frequency Range 100 ยตHz to 6.25 MHz
Time Constant 10 to 200
Noise Bandwidth 25 MHz
Range -100% to 100% of amplitude
Arbitrary Waveforms
Range 100 mS/s to 50 MS/s
Vertical Resolution 14 bits (16,384)
Waveform Memory 2 Meg points per second
Download Rate 5 Meg points per second
Memory Segmentation
Number of Segments 1 to 4,096
Minimum Segment Size 16 points
Memory Interleave 4 (Trace lengths must be multiples 4)
Sequenced Arbitrary Waveforms
Permits division of the memory bank into smaller segements. Segments may be linked and repeated in user-selectable fashion to generate extremely long waveforms.
Automatic Sequence Advance No triggers required to step from one segment to the next. Sequence is repeated continuously through a preprogrammed sequence list (table)
Stepped Sequence Advance Current segment is sampled continuously, external trigger advances to next programmed segment. Control input is TRIG IN connector.
Single Sequence Advance Current segment is sampled to the end of the segment including repeats and idles there. Next trigger advances to next segment. Control input is TRIG IN connector.
Mixed Sequence Advance Each step of a sequence can be programmed to advance a) automatically (automatic Sequence Advance), or b) with a trigger (Stepped Sequence advance)
Advance Source External, internal, or soft trigger
Sequencer Steps From 1 to 4,096
Segment Loops From 1 to 128 K
Common Characteristics
Main Output
Connector Front panel BNC
Stand-By Output off or normal
Impedance 50 ohm, ยฑ1%
Protection Protected against shorts to case ground
Resolution 10 digits limited by 1 S/s
Accuracy 1 ppm
Stability 1 ppm
Standard 0.0001% (1 ppm TCXO) initial tolerance over a
19 ยฐC to 29 ยฐC temperature range; 1 ppm / below 19 ยฐC and above 29 ยฐC; 1 ppm / year aging rate
External 10 MHz TTL, 50% ยฑ 2% duty cycle
Range 80 mV to 8 VPP into 50 ohm; double into open circuit
Resolution 4 digits
Accuracy 800 mV to 8 VPP ยฑ (1% + 10 mV)
80 mV to 799.9 mVPP ยฑ (1% + 1 mV)
Range 0 to ยฑ3.6 V, amplitude dependent
Resolution 2.2 mV
4 V Window
400 MV Window
ยฑ(1% of reading + 1% of amplitude + 2 mV)
ยฑ(1% of reading + 1% of amplitude + 200V)
Filters 50 MHz Elliptic
25 MHz Elliptic
Sync / Marker Output
Provides dual functionality. Sync, which is sychronous with the output waveform, and Marker in FM and sweep modes.
Outputs Front panel SYNC output
PXI backplane TTLTrig 0 through 7 programmable
Validators BIT, LCOM
Level > 2 V into 50 ohm, 4 V nominal into 10 K ohm
Protection Temporary short case to ground
Position Point 0 to n, programmable with four-point resoltion
4 to 100,000 waveform points
Programmable with four points resolution
Source Main output
Sinewave Output
An output that is directly derived from the sample clock generator and has an output frequency equal to the programmed sample clock frequency, including modulated waveform such as FM, sweep, and FSK.
Connector Front panel SMB
Impedance 5 ohm, ยฑ1%
Level 1 V into 50 ohm
Protection Temporary short case to ground
Source Sample clock frequency
Frequency Range And Resolution Same as Sample clock
Flatness -3 dB at 100 MHz
THD 0.3% to 100 kHz
Harmonics and Non-Related Spurious -55 dBc to 1 MHz
-45 dBc to 10 MHz
-35 dBc < 50 MHz (GX1200);
-35 dBc < 1000 MHz (GX1201)
Trig Input
Connectors Front panel BNC
Impedance 10 K ohm, ยฑ5%
Threshold Level TTL
Damage Level ยฑ 10 V
Minimum Pulse Width 20 ns
Slope Positive or negative going edge
10 MHz Reference Input
Connector Front panel SMB
Impedance 10 K ohm, ยฑ5%
Threshold Level TTL
Damage Level ยฑ 10 V
Duty Cycle 50%, ยฑ5%
Waveform Modulation Sine, triangle, square, pulse, ramp, sinc (sine(x)/x), Gaussian pulse, exponential fall, rising pulse, noise, DC, arb
Source Internal
Resolution 10 digits
Accuracy 0.1%
Modulating Frequency Distortion < 0.1%
Deviation Range 100 mS/s to 50 MS/s (GX1200)
100 mS/s to 100 MS/s (GX1201)
Advanced Mode Automatic, triggered, gated, or software command
Output And Level Position
Same as SYNC output
Fixed at carrier frequency
Start / Stop Control (Breakpoint)
Range 0 to 1,999,999 waveform points (2 Meg)
Source External (rear panel trigger input BNC) or software command
Resolution 4 points
Breakpoint Error ยฑ4 points
System Delay
Trigger to Waveform Output One Sample Clock + 120 ns
Gated Mode External signal enables generator. First output cycle synchronous with the activeslope of the triggering signal. Last cycle of output waveform always completed.
Waveforms Sine, triangle, square, pulse, ramp, sinc (sine(x)/x), Gaussian pulse, exponential fall, rising pulse, noise, DC, and arb
Number of Cycles per Burst 1 to 128 K
Trigger Source Manual, external, or interna
Multiple Instrument Synchronization
Multiple instruments can be connected together and synchronized to provide multichannel synchronization.
Sample Clock
Source From master card to slave boards through the local bus
Range And Resolution Same as Sample Clock (GX1200)
Same as Sample Clock, but limited to 80 MS/s (GX1201)
Initial Skew < 20 ns to the first master;
20 ns cumulative to additional slaves
Phase Offset Between Instruments Programmable from 0 to n points
Power Requirements 10 W (max)
Current Consumption +5 V @ 30 mA
+12 V @ 200 mA
-12 V @ 200 mA
+3.3 V @ 1.4 A
Weight Approx. 0.5 kg
Size 3U
Operating Temperature 0 ยฐC to +40 ยฐC
Storage Temperature -20 ยฐC to +70 ยฐC
11 ยฐC to 30 ยฐC: 85%
31 ยฐC to 40 ยฐC: 75%
Workmanship Standards Conform to IPC-A-610D
Reliability MTBF per MIL-HDBK-217E, 25 ยฐC, ground benign
Safety Designed to meet IEC 1010-1, UL 3111-1, and CSA 22.2#1010
CE Labeled Yes
Supplied Accessories CD containing Manual ArbConnection. ArbDetector, and devloper libraries
GPIB Interface
Compatibility Conforms to IEEE488.2 and is compatible with SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments).
Subsets SH1, AH1, T6, L4, SR1, RL1 PPO, DC1, DT1, CO, E2.

Note: Specifications are subject to change without notice.

The GX1200 and GX1201 are high performance, single-channel PXI arbitrary waveform generators that combine a function generator, arbitrary waveform synthesizer, programmable sequencer, pulse generator, and modulation generator in one instrument. The GX1200 Series delivers all this at a lower cost than comparable benchtop or VXI-based instruments.


With high sample rates of 50 MS/s (GX1200) and 100 MS/s (GX1201), the GX1200 Series is an ideal modulation source for troubleshooting encoding schemes. Both models also provide high speed waveforms to stimulate signal distortion, power line cycle dropouts, video signals, components failures and power supply transients.

The GX1200 Series comes standard with 2 M samples of waveform memory, accessible via a high speed interface. Waveform memory is segmentable. This allows for storage and access of up to 4,096 different waveforms rapidly without having to download waveforms multiple times, which in turn enhances test throughput.

ArbConnection Software
The GX1200 Series includes ArbConnection software to control instrument functions, modes, and features. Freehand sketch allows the user to draw custom waveforms โ€“ allowing for easy creation of custom analog signals. The built-in equation editor allows for the creation of exotic functions, adding or subtracting components of a Fourier series for the characterization of digital or analog filters, or to inject random noise into a signal to test immunity to auxiliary noise.

The GX1200 Series offers powerful sequencing capabilities which allows linkage of up to 4,096 waveform segments and/or bursts (repeated segments) into strings. A segment can be repeated up to 128 K times in burst mode. Sequenced functions can either run continuously or be initiated via a trigger. It is also possible to mix continuous and triggered segments within one sequence. These sequencing features permit the creation of complex waveforms or pulse patterns using a minimal amount of memory. Sequences are created by writing a sequence table. Sequence table downloads are extremely fast as ArbConnection writes directly to the register and does not require the overhead of an embedded controller.

Combining PXI trigger lines with the GX1200 Seriesโ€™ sync capability transforms the GX1200 into an Arbitrary Trigger Generator. In addition to continuous output, the instrument can also wait for a trigger to initiate a single waveform, a burst of waveforms or a sequence of waveforms. Triggers can also be used to advance a sequence of waveforms one segment at a time. The GX1200 Series accepts the triggers from multiple sources: eight backplane trigger lines plus the PXI STAR trigger, the front panel trigger input, and manual commands such as *TRG.

Sample Clock
The GX1200 Series offers outstanding low phase noise characteristics and carrier stability. Such characteristics are essential in telecommunication and channel separation applications. Also, the output of the GX1200 Series can be made extremely agile for applications needing sweep, FSK, and FM. The sample clock of the instrument is derived from a Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) circuit so controlling instantaneous frequency is a matter of changing its input bits. Functions such as wide-band FM, wander, linear, and logarithmic sweep are easily created and executed by the generator. A unique and extremely useful feature of ArbConnection is the FM Composer. The FM composer screen is similar to the Wave Composer screen, except the Y-axis is provided in units of frequency, so waveforms created using the FM composer generate frequency change over time.

Arbitrary Waveforms
The GX1200 Series can also function as an Arbitrary Waveform Generator. Combined with the power of ArbConnection, there is virtually no limit to what can be created and generated. Waveform coordinates can be imported from a variety of sources such as MathLab, ASCII files, etc. Anything displayed on one of the composer screens can be downloaded quickly and generated by the main output. Two or more GX1200 or GX1201s can be placed in a chassis to harness the power of multi-instrument synchronization and create multiple, phase-controlled output channels, then vary module-to-module phase offsets to create a multi-phase signal source.

Programming and Software

The board is supplied with a 32-bit DLL driver. Various interface files provide access to the DLL from programming tools and languages such as ATEasy, LabVIEW, C/C++, Microsoft Visual Basicยฎ, Delphi, and more. The available virtual panel can be used to interactively adjust and control the instrument from a window that displays the instrumentโ€™s current settings and status.
An On-Line help file and PDF Userโ€™s Guide provides documentation that includes instructions for installing, using and programming the board.


  • Video
  • Navigation
  • Radar
  • Sonar
  • Electronic Warfare Simulation
  • Converter Testing
  • Filter Design
  • Computer Peripherals
  • Data Storage


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GX1200 Series

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