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GC2200 Series

Time Interval Counter Card

  • 14 measurement functions
  • DC to 225 MHz (GC2210), DC to 1.3 GHz (GC2220), DC to 2.0 GHz (GC2230)
  • 100 ps resolution without averaging (GC2220 and GC2230 only)
  • Fast measurement mode: 2300 readings / sec
  • External reference clock & arming signal inputs
  • Gate signal output
  • Self-calibration feature ensures highest accuracy
  • Software selectable input impedence (1M ohm or 50 ohm) and coupling (AC or DC) for each input channel
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GC2200 Series Specifications

Input Characteristics
Impedance Below 225 MHz: 1 MΩ or 50 Ω channel independent and software selectable
225 MHz and above: 50 Ω
Coupling DC or AC channel independent and software selectable
Trigger Positive or Negative channel independent and software programmable, automatic level or hold last
Maximum Signal Input 50 Ω : 5 VRMS
1 MΩ : DC to 1 MHz – 15 VRMS (GC2210); 30 VRMS (GC2220 / GC2230)
Above 1 MHz – 5 VRMS
Frequency Range
GC2210 Channels A and B: DC to 225 MHz
Channel A: Selectable DC to 225 MHz OR
100 MHz to 1.3 GHz (GC2220)
100 MHz to 2.0 GHz (GC2230)
Channel B: DC to 225 MHz
Sine 25 mVRMS DC – 20 MHz
50 mVRMS 20 MHz – 50 MHz
200 mVRMS 50 MHz – 225 MHz
250 mVRMS 225 MHz – 1.3 GHz (GC2220 / GC2230)
500 mVRMS 1.3 GHz – 2.0 GHz (GC2230 only)
Pulse 500 mVPP at 5 ns pulse width
Trigger (Threshold) Level
Range ±5.00 V in 40 mV steps
Accuracy ±3% of setting ±0.04 V
Auto Trigger Automatic selection of optimum trigger level
Signal repetition rate: 100 Hz to 75 MHz
External Reference Clock Input
Impedance 2 KΩ in series with 47 nF
Maximum Input Voltage 5 VRMS
Coupling AC
Sensitivity 150 mVRMS sine, 450 mVPP pulse
Duty Ratio 40% to 60%
Frequency 10 MHz only
Connector Front panel BNC
External Arm Input
Input Signal Characteristics DC Coupled, TTL compatible (1.4 V threshold)
Minimum Pulse Width 15 ns
Impedance 2 KΩ
Connector Front panel DIN
External Gate Output
Output Signal Characteristics DC Coupled, TTL compatible (1.4 V threshold)
Maximum Measurement Rate
GC2210 200 readings / second for all modes
2300 readings / second for Fast Frequency and all time modes
1400 readings / second for Frequency and Period modes
Range DC to 225 MHz (GC2210)
DC to 1.3 GHz (GC2220)
DC to 2.0 GHz (GC2230)
Gate Time GC2200 / GTX2200: 250 us to 3200 s with 0.75 ms resolution (plus up to one signal period)
Number of Significant Digits GC2210: 8 per second of gate time, e.g., 5 digits in 1 ms
GC2220 and GC2230: 10 per second of gate time, e.g., 7 digits in 1 ms
Least Significant Digit (LSD) GC2210: Freq x (10 ns / Gate Time)
GC2220: Freq x (100 ps / Gate Time)
GC2230: Freq x (100 ps / Gate Time)
Resolution (Hz) ±LSD ± Freq x (Freq x (300 pSRMS+(1.4 x Trigger Error))) / Gate Time
Accuracy (Hz) ±Resolution ± TimeBaseError
Fast Frequency (GC2220 and GC2230)
Range DC to 225 MHz
Gate Time 4 signal periods, fixed
Accuracy (Hz) ±(Freq x (500 pS+300 pS RMS+(1.4 x Trigger Error))) / (Gate Time) ± Time Base Error
Time Interval
Range -1 ns to 100,000 s (> 25 hr)
Least Significant Digit (LSD) GC2210: 10 ns
GC2220: 100 ps
GC2230: 100 ps
Resolution ±LSD ± 300 ps RMS ±StartTriggerError ±StopTrigger Error
Accuracy ±Resolution ±TimeBaseError ±TriggerLevelTimingError
±2 ns
Minimum Pulse Width 8 ns
Delay Recognition of stop events is inhibited for a set time
GC2210 range: 30 µs to 5000 s
GC2220 range: 20 µs to 3200 s
GC2230 range: 20 µs to 3200 s
Totalize and Gated Totalize
Control Count gate can be controlled by software, or by events on the second input channel (Gated Totalize). In Gated Totalize, start and stop event slopes are selectable.
Count Rate DC to 50 MHz, 10 ns (min) pulse width
Modes Software gate: Gate and count reset are controlled by software
Hardware gate: Count is reset before every gate
Accumulative: Count is totalized over multiple gates
Range 0 to 2.8 x 1014 counts
Accuracy ±1 count, reading allowed while counting
Period (Single Period)
Range 25 ns to 100,000 s
See Time Interval for resolution and accuracy
Period (Multiple Period Average)
Range See Frequency
Gate Time See Frequency
Least Significant Digit (LSD) GC2210: Period x 10 ps / Gate Time
GC2220: Period x 100 ps / Gate Time
GC2230: Period x 100 ps / Gate Time
Resolution ±LSD ± (Period x (300 ps + (1.4 x Trigger Error))) / Gate Time
Accuracy ±Resolution ±TimeBaseError
Gate Time 250 ms to 3200 s with 0.75 ms resolution (plus up to one signal period)
Range DC – 225 MHz on either input.
DC – 25 MHz on second input
Least Significant Digit (LSD) (Ratio) / (FREQhi x Gate Time) , FREQlow = lower frequency input
Resolution and Accuracy ±LSD ±((Ratio x FREQlow Trigger Error) / (Gate Time))
FREQlow = lower frequency input
Accuracy Same as Time Interval, plus 3 ns
Time Controlled 0.8 ms to 3200 s
Available on all modes except Totalize
Source: Internal (alternate channel) of External Input
Arm setup time: Minimum 40 ns before selected event
Time Base
Standard 10 MHz TCXO
Accuracy Temperature: ±5 ppm, 0 °C to +50 °C
Aging: < 2 ppm / year
Supply voltage: < 1 x 10-8 for 10% change
Short term: < 5 x 10-10 RMS with a 1 second averaging time
External Reference Input External Reference Input (all modes). Alternate signal channel when making single-channel measurements
Supplemental Definitions
Trigger Error Error due to noise superimposed on the input signal from both internal and external sources
Trigger Error = (√ 50 µN2 + E 2) / (input signal slew rate) seconds RMS
En = RMS noise of input signal (225 MHz bandwidth)
Trigger Level Timing Error Time error due to threshold uncertainty
Tigger Level Timong Error = < 250 mV / (input signal slew rate)
Time Base Error Fractional frequency error of time-base reference, times the measurement result
Calibration Interval 1 year
Power Requirements (Typical) +5 V @ 0.3 A
-3.3 V @ 0.05 A
+12 V @ 0.1 A
-12 V @ 0.05 A
Storage Temperature -20 °C to +70 °C
Size PCI
Weight 12 oz

Note: Specifications are subject to change without notice.

The GC22x0 family of PCI universal time interval counters offer many of the measurement and timing functions of high-end stand-alone frequency counters, including accumulate, auto ratio, frequency, fast frequency (GC2220 and GC2230 only), period, ratio, single period, test clock, time interval, time interval delay, totalize, totalize gated, totalize gated once, and pulse width.

There are three models available: the GC2210, GC2220 and GC2230. The GC2210 frequency range operates to 225 MHz, the GC2220 covers frequencies up to 1.3 GHz, and the GC2230 covers frequencies up to 2.0 GHz.


The GC22x0 series counters have two signal input channels via BNC connectors, an external timebase input, arm input, and a gate signal output. The separate input signals can be used for arming and gating the circuitry, and controlling the timing of the analysis (start / stop duration) for maximum measurement flexibility.

The GC22x0 series counters use an on-board microprocessor with embedded firmware to off-load processing tasks from the main CPU. The counters use high-density, low-power field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) to perform complex logic tasks. Reciprocal counting techniques are used to achieve high resolution measurements on lower frequency signals without sacrificing measurement time. These techniques provide a fixed number of digits of resolution for all frequencies rather than a fixed resolution in Hz for the same gate time.

The GC2220 and GC2230 can measure frequencies to 0.1 parts per million (seven digits) in just 1 ms and resolve each time measurement to 100 ps. This ability to precisely resolve frequency and time allows for increased accuracy as well as reduced measurement time. When combined with 2,300 measurements / sec, one of the fastest rates available, more data can be acquired in a single second than a typical GPIB counter can acquire in one minute.
Additionally, the counters include an on-board 10 MHz TCXO for internal frequency reference. An external 10 MHz input is also available for use with external timebases.


The board is supplied with the GXCNT software, a software package that includes a virtual instrument panel, and a Windows 32/64-bit DLL driver library and documentation. The virtual panel can be used to interactively program and control the instrument from a window that displays the instrument’s current settings and status. In addition, interface files are provided to support access to programming tools and languages such as ATEasy, LabView, LabView/Real-Time, C/C++, Microsoft Visual Basic®, Delphi, and Pascal. An On-Line help file and PDF User’s Guide provides documentation that includes instructions for installing, using and programming the board.
A separate software package – GtLinux – provides support for Linux 32/64 operating systems.


  • ATE Systems
  • Event timing measurements
  • Frequency measurements
  • Time interval measurements
  • Metrology


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GC2200 Series

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