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MICROTEST PC Link Software

MICROTEST PC Link Software

  • Supports Windows 7 and Windows 10.
  • Works with a wide range of MICROTEST devices, including LCR Meters, Impedance Analyzers, and more.
  • Regular software updates across multiple device models for enhanced functionality.
  • Streamlines communication between PC and testing equipment for seamless data transfer and control.
  • Ideal for various test instruments such as Hi-Pot testers, Transformer testers, Cable testers, and more.
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Support (win7 / win10)


The MICROTEST PC Link Software is a versatile and user-friendly solution designed to seamlessly integrate with a wide range of MICROTEST devices, including LCR Meters, Impedance Analyzers, Hi-Pot testers, Transformer testers, and more. Compatible with both Windows 7 and Windows 10, this software enables easy communication between your PC and test instruments, allowing for efficient data transfer and device control. Regular software updates ensure compatibility with various models, ensuring optimal performance across multiple testing applications. Whether you’re working with cable testers, motor stator testing equipment, or PCB testers, MICROTEST PC Link Software offers the flexibility and functionality needed to streamline your testing processes.


MICROTEST PC Link Software
Type Model Firmware PC Link Software System
LCR Meter 6363/6364/6365/6366/6367


cv common version V2.15 win7/win10
6630 V1.325 ↑ V1.3.28 win7/win10
Impedance Analyzer 6632 V1.325 ↑ V1.3.28 win7/win10
HI POT Tester 7630 V2.15 ↑ V1.0.0 win7/win10
7631 V2.67 ↑ V2.67以上 win7/win10
Impulse Tester 7700/7710/7720 V2.02 V2.02 win7/win10
Transformer Tester 5265/5266/5267 cv common version V1.3.1 win7/win10
Transformer Test


6265+7631 6265

cv common version

V1.1.17 win7/win10

V2.80 ↑

Transformer Test


6235+7605+7721 V2.25 win7/win10
ATP-5600 V1.3.9 win7/win10
Cable Tester 8740 CMD  1.001-1.009 V1.0.13 win7/win10
8761/8751 CMD  1.001-1.011 V1.0.13 win7/win10
HV Cable Test 9804 V2.2.16 win7/win10
Motor Stator 6910+7605 V2.43 V2.43_1.02 win7/win10
6910+7605+LCR Meter 6365/6420 V2.71,V2.80 V1.0.0 win7/win10
6913+7605+LCR Meter 6365 V1.80, V2.70 V1.2.1 win7/win10
6913+7605+LCR Meter 6420 V1.60, V1.61 V1.0.0 win7/win10
V1.41, V1.42, V1.70, V1.80 V1.1.0 win7/win10
6917+7605+LCR Meter 6365/6420 V1.36 V1.0.0 win7/win10
Motor Rotor 6920+7605+6908 V2.58 V1.1.0 win7/win10
PCB Tester 9332-20CH cv common version V1.03  win7/win10
9332-64CH cv common version V1.08  win7/win10


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MICROTEST PC Link Software

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