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Dynamically Controlled, High Voltage Digital I/O PXI Card with Pin Electronics

  • 50 MHz dynamic digital instrument with per pin direction control
  • High performance pin electronics with per pin programmability
  • Dual level drive / sense, programmable load & PMU on a per channel basis
  • Wide drive / sense voltage range: -14 V to +25 V
  • 32 bi-directional I/O pins, supports configurations up to 512 pins
  • 512k memory per channel
  • Dynamically controlled sequencer supports branching, looping, and subroutines
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GX5055 Specifications

Internal Test Clock 5 Hz to 50 MHz
Internal Test Clock Timebase PXI 10 MHz clock
Test Clock Frequency Resolution 1 Hz or 0.01% of the programmed test clock frequency (whichever is greater)
Programmable Data Sense Strobe 0 to 63.75 ns, relative to the drive clock edge (0 ns delay setting)
Channel I/O
(All specifications based on pin electronic voltage rails (VCC & VEE) of +18 V and -14 V)
Number of I/O Channels 32 per Card
Channel Direction Control Input or Output per step, per channel
Number of Drive and Sense Voltage References 32 Drive Hi / Drive Lo
32 Sense Hi / Sense Lo
Drive Voltage Range -14 V to +26 V, Drive Hi & Drive Lo, maximum swing is 25 V
Drive Voltage Level Range 0.5 VPP (min)
25 VPP (max)
Drive Voltage Accuracy ±25 mV, 25 VPP drive voltage range, open circuit load
Drive Voltage Resolution 16 bits
Driver Leakage Current ±25 nA max
Output Impedance 50 Ω, typical
Drive Current 200 mA per channel, 1.6 A per board (max)
Short Circuit Protection Programmable current level with automatic disable, per channel basis
Slew Rate 0.1 to 1 V/nS, adjustable
Sense Voltage Range -16 V to +22 V, Sense Hi & Sense Lo
Sense Voltage Threshold Accuracy ±25 mV, < 25 VPP sense voltage
Pull-up, Pull-down Current Source / Sink ±24 mA, programmable on a per channel basis
V commutate: -14 V to +22 V, programmable on a per channel basis
Resistive Load Range: Hi-Z, 250 Ω, 1 KΩ, programmable on a per channel basis
Memory 512 Kb per channel
Sequencer and Trigger Functions
Commands No Op, Set Reg, Jump, Loop, Call Subroutine, Return, Pause, Halt
Triggering Software generated trigger
External Input trigger override
Pause Software generated pause
External Input pause override
Sequencer Pause command
External Timming, Control and Status Signals
User Clock Output Data clock, TTL compatible, programmable delay relative to drive clock, 0 – 63.75 ns
Resolution: 250 ps
Jitter: 40 ps RMS
External Strobe Output Sense data strobe, TTL compatible
Programmable delay relative to internal system clock, 0 – 63.75 ns
Resolution: 250 ps
External Test Clock 0 to 50 MHz, TTL compatible input
Pause Input External pause override, TTL compatible
Trigger Input External trigger override, TTL compatible
Run Status Output Run indicator status, TTL compatible
VCC +5 VDC output
Parametric Measurement Unit (PMU)
Number of PMUs 32, one per channel
Modes Force voltage, measure current
Force current, measure voltage
Force Voltage Range -10 V to +15 V
Force Current Range ±25 mA FS
±200 mA FS
Accuracy 0.1% of FS Range
Measure Voltage Range -10 V to +15 V
Measure Current Range ±25 mA FS
±200 mA FS
Accuracy 0.1% of FS Range
Operating Temperature 0 °C to +50 °C
Storage Temperature -20 °C to +70 °C
Vibration 5 g @ 500 Hz
Shock 10 g for 6 ms ½ sine
Physical Dimensions
Size 6U PXI, single slot
Weight 1.2 lbs (520 g)
External Control & Status 9 position sub-D, female
I/O Module 68 position SCSI III Type
External VCC / VEE 15 position sub-D, male
+18 V @ 6 A
-14 V @ 6 A
Calibration Interval 1 year

Note: Specifications are subject to change without notice.

The GX5055 represents a new level of performance and capabilities for PXI-based digital instrumentation. Based on the proven architecture of the GX5050, the GX5055 offers high performance pin electronics and an enhanced timing generator in a compact, 6U PXI form factor.

Each card can function as a stand-alone digital subsystem or if required, multiple cards can be interconnected, providing a single domain and supporting up to 512 bi-directional channels.

Each digital channel can be individually programmed for a drive hi, drive lo, sense hi, sense lo, and a load value (with commutation voltage level) – offering the user complete flexibility when creating test programs and fixtures for multiple UUTs. In addition, each channel offers a parametric measurement unit (PMU) providing users with the capability to measure each UUT node’s DC characteristics.


The GX5055 offers real-time digital stimulus and capture with 32 pins per card. Each pin can be configured as an input or output on a per cycle basis. Six drive data formats are supported: NR, R1, R0, RZ, RC, CC – providing flexibility to create a variety of bus cycles and waveforms to test board and box level products.

Parametric Measurement Unit (PMU)
Each digital channel of the GX5055 includes a PMU for measuring a UUT’s DC characteristics. The PMU can operate in the force voltage / measure current or force current / measure voltage mode.

Algorithmic Sequencer Technology (AST)
An innovative, state-of-the-art algorithmic sequencer allows users to create loops and branches to manipulate the output vectors. All of the sequencer commands are available and may be programmed using the Graphical Vector Editor using Windows® API command or via a script language. The sequencer allows the user to generate test vectors indefinitely at maximum test rates. Internal and external trigger and pause commands are available in several modes.

On-Board Memory
The GX5055 includes 5 banks of 512 k x 32 memory, supporting drive, sense, direction, control and data valid functionality for each channel.

The GX5055 operates in any 6U PXI chassis that supports an air flow rate of 20 cfm / slot. Power for the pin electronics requires the use of external power supplies or the GX5055 can be used with a Marvin Test Solutions GX7005A PXI chassis which is designed for the GX5055 and includes the necessary pin electronics power supplies. Optionally, for low voltage applications, the GX5055 can be used with a GX7100A chassis and a GX7400A user power supply. This configuration supports up to three GX5055 cards.

Programming and Software

The board is supplied with GTDIO/DIOEasy, a software package that includes vector editing, a virtual instrument panel, and 32/64-bit DLL driver libraries and documentation. The virtual panel can be used to interactively program and control the instrument from a window that displays the instrument’s current settings and status. In addition, interface files are provided to support access to programming tools and languages such as ATEasy, LabView, C/C++, Microsoft Visual Basic®, Delphi, and Pascal. On-Line help file and PDF User’s Guide provides documentation that includes instructions for installing, using and programming the board.

Optionally, DtifEasy is available for use with the GX5055. DtifEasy offers a complete LASAR post-processor and test execution environment for post-processing and execution of LASAR generated .tap files.


  • Automatic Test Equipment (ATE)
  • High-speed functional digital test
  • Vector capture
  • Hybrid and digital device test
  • Memory testing
  • LRU and SRU test


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