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250 MS/s, Two Channel, Arbitrary Waveform Function Generator PXI Card

  • Arbitrary Waveform Generator and Direct Digital Synthesis modes
  • 250 MS/s sample rate per channel, 400 MS/s sample rate combined channel mode
  • 16-bit vertical resolution
  • 32 M sample memory
  • PLL clock generator for AWG mode
  • PXI hybrid slot compatible
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GX1120 Specifications

Standard Waveforms
Sine, triangle, square, pulse, ramp up, ramp down, noise
Waveform Maximum Frequency
(FS = 250 MHz)
DDS Mode AWG Mode
Sine 100 MHz
Triangle 20 MHz
Ramp 20 MHz
Pulse 100 MHz
Square 20 MHz
Noise 10 MHz
Arbitrary Waveform Generator Mode
Sample Rate 0.1 Hz to 250 MHz
Multiplexed Channel Sample Rate 400 MHz (max)
Sample Rate Resolution and Accuracy 4 digits, limited by 10 ps
1 ppm, 15 to 35 C
Vertical Resolution 16 bits
Waveform Memory 32 M samples
DDS Mode
Frequency Range,
Resolution, and
1 µHz to 100 MHz
12 digits, resolution
1 ppm accuracy
Non-Harmonic Spurious Components < 60 dBc (DC to 1 MHz)
< 50 dBc to 200 MHz
(2nd Harmonic Relative to Carrier)
< -65 dBc @ < 20 kHz
< -60 dBc, 20 kHz to 100 kHz
< -50 dBc, 100 kHz to 5 MHz
< -30 dBc, 5 MHz to 80 MHz
Phase Noise < -100 dBc / Hz (typical) at 1 MHz
10 kHz offset from carrier
Modulation AM: Int. / Ext. 0 – 100%, DC to 20 kHz
FM: Int. / Ext. DC to 20 kHz
Phase offset: 0 – 360 degrees, 0.1 degree resolution
Main Output
Connector Front panel SMB. one per channel
Output Mode On / Off
Output Impedance 50 Ω, ±1%
Protection Protected against shorts to ground and over-voltage
Amplitude Range 10 mVPP to 10 VPP into 50 Ω; double into open circuit
Amplitude Resolution 4 digits (9.999V)
Amplitude Accuracy
(@ 1 kHz)
±(1% of programmed value + 20 mV),
1 – 10 VPP output
±(2% of programmed value + 5 mV),
10 mV to 1 VPP output
Amplitude Flatness ±1% (0.1 dB) to 1 MHz
±1 dB to 50 MHz
±3 dB to 100 MHz
Offset Range 0 to ±5 V
Offset Resolution 1 mV or 4 digits, which ever is less
Offset Accuracy ±(1% of programmed value + 10 mV)
Rise / Fall Time < 6 ns into a 50 Ω load (10% to 90% full scale step)
Abberations < 5% of p-p amplitude, ±20 mV
Asymmetry (Square Wave < 1% of period ± 5 ns
Filters 100 MHz, 9 pole elliptical LPF
500 MHz, 7 pole Bessel LPF
Channel Phase Locking Channels may be phase locked (0 to 360 degrees
Resolution: 0.1 degree
Channel to Channel Skew < 200 ps (phase locked mode)
SYNC Output (One per Channel)
Connector Front panel SMB output (one per channel), synchronous with output waveform
Impedance 50 Ω, ±1%
Level TTL compatible
Marker Output (One per Channel)
Positive pulse, user programmable and synchronous with the waveform output.
Connector Front panel DB-15 connector
Impedance 50 Ω, ±1%
Level TTL compatible
AM 0.01 Hz to 20 kHz (internal)
Sine, square and triangle modulation
0% to 100% modulation
DC to 50 kHz (external input)
FM 0.01 Hz to 20 kHz (internal)
Deviation: 0 to 50% of the carrier frequency
DC to 50 kHz (external)
FSK 0.01 Hz to 1 MHz (internal)
DC to 10 MHz (external input)
Deviation: 1 uHz to 100 MHz
Phase Modulation 0.01 Hz to 20 kHz
Sine, square and triangle modulation
Deviation: 0 to 360 degrees
DC to 50 kHz (external input)
Sweep Charateristics
Sweep Modes Linear or logarithmic, up or down
Sweep Time 1 ms to 500 s
Sweep Trigger Continuous, triggered or burst, internal, external or PXI trigger
Waveform Sequencing (ARB Mode)
Loop Loop in a defined segment of memory
Loop N Times Loop in a defined segment of memory N times, N is programmable from 1 to 999999 or loop continuously
Sequencing Rate 0.01 Hz to 10 MHz
Trigger Modes
Continuous Output continuously generated
Triggered Output waveform triggered by external or software triggered event. The external trigger signal edge may be a rising or falling edge.
One waveform cycle generated.
50 MHz trigger rate for Arb mode
20 MHz trigger rate for DDS mode
Gated Same as Triggered mode except that the waveform is generated for as long as the gate signal stays true (logic one). When the gate signal goes false (logic zero) the output goes quiescent.
Burst Output waveform will become active on the occurrence of a trigger edge. The selected waveform is generated for a preset number of cycles between 1 and 999,999. Output will then disable.
Trigger Sources Internal, external, or PXI trigger
Internal Trigger
Repitition Rate 1 µs to 100 s
Resolution 4 digits
Accuracy ±0.01%
External Trigger Input
Connector Front panel DB-15 connector
Impedance 10 kΩ nominal
Threshold Level Variable from -5 V to + 5 V, with 10 mV of resolution
Repetition Rate DC to 50 MHz
Minimum Pulse Width 10 ns
Slope Positive or negative going edge
Trigger Delay 0 – 15 s, with 4 ns of resolution
Trigger Hold 0 – 15 s, with 4 ns of resolution
External Input Clock
Connector Front panel DB-15
Input External 10 MHz reference clock
Threshold Level TTL
External Output Clock
Connector Front panel DB-15
Output 10 MHz reference clock
Arb clock
Level TTL
Internal Reference Clock
Time Base 50 MHz, ±1 ppm
PXI 10 MHz clock
External 10 MHz clock
External Modulation Input
Connector Front panel DB-15
Input Voltage Range 5 VPP for 100% modulation
Input Impedance 10 kΩ nominal
Bandwidth DC to 50 kHz
DC to 10 MHz (FSK modulation)
Power Requirements 15 W (max)
Current Consumption (Maximum) +5 V @ 0.3 A
+12 V @ 0.5 A
-12 V @ 0.2 mA
+3.3 V @ 3.3 A
Weight Approx. 12 oz
Size 3U, single slot
Operating Temperature 0 °C to +50 °C
Storage Temperature -20 °C to +70 °C
5% to 95%, < 70 °C
Safety Designed to meet IEC 1010-1, UL 3111-1, and CSA 22.2#1010
Calibration Interval 1 year

Note: Specifications are subject to change without notice.

The GX1120 is a high performance, two-channel PXI arbitrary waveform generator that offers function generator and arbitrary waveform generator functionality within one instrument. Built-in waveforms are available for use with both the DDS or AWG modes of operation and include Sine, Triangle, Ramp, Noise, and pulse waveform generation.


With a sample rate of 250 MS/s for each channel and with the ability for the two channels to operate synchronously and phase coherently, the GX1120 is an ideal I/Q modulation source for communication applications, troubleshooting encoding schemes, and verifying modulator performance. Additionally, the GX1120’s two channels can be combined to produce 400 MS/s arbitrary waveforms with 16 bits of vertical resolution – offering an extremely high performance, high resolution waveform generator in a compact, 3U form factor. Each channel is fully independent and offers programming of the channel’s sample clock, output level, waveform and offset settings. The GX1120 comes standard with 32 M samples of waveform memory.

The GX1120 can be triggered via a software command, a PXI trigger event, or an external trigger input, offering users the ability to control waveform generation via external trigger events. The waveform trigger modes include continuous, triggered, gated hold, and burst functionality.

Sample Clock
An internal 50 MHz clock reference is used to create the 250 MHz clock for DDS mode. For Arb mode, two independent PLLs are used to drive each arbitrary waveform generator with a maximum sample rate of 250 MHz. The PLLs can use the internal 50 MHz reference or they can be locked to the PXI 10 MHz clock. The sample clock can generate sample frequencies with 4 digits of resolution or 10 ps of resolution.


The board is supplied with GtWave, a software package that includes a virtual instrument panel, a Windows 32/64-bit DLL driver library and documentation. A trial license for WaveEasy, a software package for creating, modifying and analyzing waveforms is also included. The virtual panel can be used to interactively program and control the instrument from a window that displays the instrument’s current settings and status. In addition, interface files are provided to support access to programming tools and languages such as ATEasy, LabView, C/C++, Microsoft Visual Basic®, Delphi, and Pascal. An On-Line help file and PDF User’s Guide provides documentation that includes instructions for installing, using and programming the board.


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  • Converter Testing
  • Filter Design & Test


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